
Workflow automation for everyone. Zapier automates your work across 5,000+ app integrations, so you0
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What is Zapier?

Zapier is your go-to platform for turning AI into actionable workflows. Whether you’re looking to save time, streamline tasks, or impress your team, Zapier makes it easy to automate your ideas so you can focus on what matters most. With over 100 million tasks already automated by users like you, it’s time to see how AI can transform your workflow.

Key Features:

AI-Powered Zap Creation
Just describe what you want to automate, and Zapier’s AI will build the workflow for you. No more digging through triggers and actions—simply type your idea, and let Zapier do the heavy lifting.

Custom Chatbots
Create AI-powered chatbots in minutes to handle customer inquiries, resolve issues, and nurture leads. Free up your team to focus on higher-priority tasks while your chatbot takes care of the rest.

AI Copilot
Speed up your workflow creation with Copilot, your AI assistant. It drafts Zaps, generates code, and creates custom actions tailored to your unique needs.

AI-Enhanced Tables
Use AI to analyze sentiment, summarize text, and generate insights directly within your automation-first database.

AI Agents
Build your own AI-powered teammates. Train them to understand your business processes and handle tasks autonomously.

Use Cases:

  1. Sales and Customer Success
    Automate call summaries from Zoom or Gong, and send them directly to Slack or your CRM. Reduce prep time and keep your team aligned with actionable insights.

  2. Content Creation
    Generate blog posts from Google Forms responses or create personalized email drafts using ChatGPT. Save hours on repetitive content tasks.

  3. Customer Support
    Automate responses to common inquiries by connecting OpenAI’s Assistants API to your Facebook Inbox or other platforms.

  4. Personal Productivity
    Get daily summaries of your tasks, projects, or even fermenting updates (yes, really!) from Google Sheets, so you know exactly what to tackle next.


Zapier’s AI tools are designed to make automation accessible, intuitive, and powerful. Whether you’re automating sales workflows, creating content, or managing customer support, Zapier helps you work smarter, not harder. With AI embedded across its suite of products, Zapier is your partner in transforming how you work.

More information on Zapier

Pricing Model
Free Trial
Starting Price
$ 19 .99 USD /month
Global Rank
Month Visit
Tech used
Google Analytics,Google Tag Manager,Amazon AWS CloudFront,Cloudinary,Imgix,Google Fonts,Next.js,Vercel,Emotion,Gzip,HTTP/3,JSON Schema,OpenGraph,Webpack,HSTS,reCaptcha

Top 5 Countries

United States India United Kingdom Canada Australia

Traffic Sources

Search Direct Referrals Social Paid Referrals Mail
Zapier was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2025.
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  2. Automate tasks with AI using Zapier Agents! Build custom AI assistants to streamline workflows across 7000+ apps & boost your productivity.

  3. Unlock the full potential of your business with Zixflow. Customizable CRM, automated workflows, campaign engagement, and AI-driven lead generation. Boost productivity and drive success!

  4. Konnectify: The AI-powered, no-code SaaS integration platform. Connect 100+ apps, automate workflows. Build custom workflows effortlessly. Ideal for all biz sizes.

  5. ZooTools is an AI-powered email marketing platform. Streamline campaigns with a Notion-inspired interface. Build automations easily. Boost engagement and revenue.